
1-D Normal Splines implementation in Julia

NormalSplines.jl implements the normal splines method for solving following interpolation problem:

Problem: Given points $x_1 \lt x_2 \lt \dots \lt x_{n_1}$, $s_1 \lt s_2 \lt \dots \lt s_{n_2}$ and $t_1 \lt t_2 \lt \dots \lt t_{n_3}$ find a function $f$ such that

\[\tag{1} \begin{aligned} & f(x_i) = u_i \, , \quad i = 1, 2, \dots, n_1 \, , \\ & f'(s_j) = v_j \, , \quad j = 1, 2, \dots, n_2 \, , \\ & f''(t_k) = w_k \, , \quad k = 1, 2, \dots, n_3 \, , \\ & n_1 \gt 0 \, , \ \ n_2 \ge 0 \, , \ \ n_3 \ge 0 \, . \end{aligned}\]

Knots $\{x_i\}$, $\{s_j\}$ and $\{t_k\}$ may coincide. We assume that function $f$ is an element of an appropriate reproducing kernel Hilbert space $H$.

The normal splines method consists in finding a solution of system (1) having minimal norm in Hilbert space $H$, thus the interpolation normal spline $\sigma$ is defined as follows:

\[\tag{2} \sigma = {\rm arg\,min}\{ \| f \|^2_H : (1), \forall f \in H \} \, .\]

Normal splines method is based on the following functional analysis results:

  • Embedding theorems (Sobolev embedding theorem and Bessel potential space embedding theorem)
  • The Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces
  • Reproducing kernel properties.

Using these results it is possible to reduce task (2) to solving a system of linear equations with symmetric positive definite Gram matrix.

Normal splines are constructed in Sobolev space $W^l_2 [a, b]$ with norm:

\[\| f \|_{W_2^l} = \left ( \sum_{i=0}^{l-1} (f^{(i)}(a))^2 + \int_a^b (f^{(l)}(s))^2 ds \right )^{1/2} \, , \quad l = 3, 2, \text{or} \ 1,\]

and in Bessel potential space $H_\varepsilon^l(R)$ defined as

\[ H^l_\varepsilon (R) = \left\{ f | f \in S' , ( \varepsilon ^2 + | s |^2 )^{l/2}{\mathcal F} [f] \in L_2 (R) \right\} \, , \varepsilon \gt 0 , \quad l = 3, 2, \text{or} \ 1,\]

where $S' (R)$ is space of L. Schwartz tempered distributions and $\mathcal F [f]$ is a Fourier transform of the $f$. Space $H^l_\varepsilon (R)$ is Hilbert space with norm

\[\| f \|_ {H^l_\varepsilon} = \| ( \varepsilon ^2 + | s |^2 )^{l/2} {\mathcal F} [\varphi ] \|_{L_2} \ .\]

If $n_3 > 0$ then value of $l$ is $3$, in a case when $n_3 = 0$ and $n_2 > 0$ the value of $l$ must be $2$ or $3$.

Detailed explanation is given in Interpolating Normal Splines