NormalSmoothingSplines.jl package
Multivariate Normal Hermite-Birkhoff Uniform Smoothing Splines in Julia
implements the normal splines method for solving the following approximation problem:
Problem: Given points $\{p_i, p_i \in R^n\}_{i=1}^{n_1}$, $\{s_j, s_j \in R^n\}_{j=1}^{n_2}$, and $\{\overline p_r, \overline p_r \in R^n\}_{r=1}^{n_3}$, $\{\overline s_t, \overline s_t \in R^n\}_{t=1}^{n_4}$ and sets of unit vectors $\{e_j, e_j \in R^n\}_{r=1}^{n_2}$, $\{\overline e_t, \overline e_t \in R^n\}_{t=1}^{n_4}$ find a function $f$ such that
where $\frac{ \partial{f} }{ \partial{e} }(s) = \nabla f(s) \cdot e = \sum _{k=1}^{n} \frac{ \partial{f} }{ \partial{x_k} } (s) e_{k}$ is a directional derivative of function $f$ at the point $s$ in the direction of $e$, and points $\{p_i\}_{i=1}^{n_1}$, $\{\overline p_r\}_{r=1}^{n_3}$ as well as points $\{s_j\}_{j=1}^{n_2}$, $\{\overline s_t\}_{t=1}^{n_4}$ are pairwise different.
We assume that function $f$ is an element of the Bessel potential space $H^s_\varepsilon (R^n)$ which is defined as:
where $| \cdot |$ is the Euclidean norm, $S' (R^n)$ is space of L. Schwartz tempered distributions, parameter $s$ may be treated as a fractional differentiation order and $\mathcal F [\varphi ]$ is a Fourier transform of the $\varphi$. The parameter $\varepsilon$ can be considered as a "scaling parameter", it allows to control approximation properties of the normal spline which usually are getting better with smaller values of $\varepsilon$, also it can be used to reduce the ill-conditioness of the related computational problem (in traditional theory $\varepsilon = 1$).
The Bessel potential space $H^s_\varepsilon (R^n)$ is a Reproducing kernel Hilbert space, an element $f$ of that space can be treated as a $r$-times continuously differentiable function.
The normal splines method consists in finding a solution of system (1) having minimal norm in Hilbert space $H^s_\varepsilon (R^n)$, thus an uniform smoothing normal spline $\sigma$ is defined as follows:
The normal splines method is based on the following functional analysis results:
- Bessel potential space embedding theorem
- The Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert spaces
- Reproducing kernel properties
Using these results it is possible to reduce task (2) to solving a finite-dimensional quadratic programming problem.
The normal splines method for one-dimensional function interpolation and linear ordinary differential and integral equations was proposed in [1]. An idea of the multivariate splines in Sobolev space was initially formulated in [7], however it was not well-suited to solving real-world problems. Using that idea the multivariate generalization of the normal splines method was developed for two-dimensional problem of low-range computerized tomography in [2] and applied for solving a mathematical economics problem in [3]. At the same time an interpolation scheme with Matérn kernels was developed in [8], this scheme coincides with interpolating normal splines method. Further results related to applications of the normal splines method were reported at the seminars and conferences [4,5,6].
[1] V. Gorbunov, The method of normal spline collocation. USSR Comput.Maths.Math.Phys., Vol. 29, No. 1, 1989
[2] I. Kohanovsky, Normal Splines in Computing Tomography (Нормальные сплайны в вычислительной томографии). Avtometriya, No.2, 1995
[3] V. Gorbunov, I. Kohanovsky, K. Makedonsky, Normal splines in reconstruction of multi-dimensional dependencies. Papers of WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis Symposium, Corfu, 2004
[4] I. Kohanovsky, Multidimensional Normal Splines and Problem of Physical Field Approximation, International Conference on Fourier Analysis and its Applications, Kuwait, 1998.
[5] I. Kohanovsky, Inequality-Constrained Multivariate Normal Splines with Some Applications in Finance. 27th GAMM-Seminar on Approximation of Multiparametric functions, Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2011.
[6] V. Gorbunov, I. Kohanovsky, Heterogeneous Parallel Method for the Construction of Multi-dimensional Smoothing Splines. ESCO 2014 4th European Seminar on Computing, University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic, 2014.
[7] A. Imamov, M. Dzhurabaev, Splines in S.L. Sobolev spaces (Сплайны в пространствах С.Л.Соболева). Deposited manuscript. Dep. UzNIINTI, No 880, 1989.
[8] J. Dix, R. Ogden, An Interpolation Scheme with Radial Basis in Sobolev Spaces H^s(R^n). Rocky Mountain J. Math. Vol. 24, No.4, 1994.
- NormalSmoothingSplines.jl package
- Public API
- Example Usage
- The Normal Splines Method
- The Normal Splines Method
- The Riesz representation of functionals and a reproducing kernel Hilbert space
- Reproducing Kernel of Bessel potential space
- Hermite-Birkhoff Interpolation of Scattered Data
- Hermite-Birkhoff Smoothing of Scattered Data
- Simple Normal Splines Examples
- Comparison with Polyharmonic Splines
- Convergence and Error Bounds
- Quadratic Programming in Hilbert space
- Algorithms for updating Cholesky factorization